Making Beats XP and Playlist Development
Making Beats Finalized Playlist
Making Beats Finalized Playlist (under development 5/15/17)
Draft Versions Below
Topic 1: Getting Started
Making Beats v1-0av1 Get started making a beat
Topic 2: Choosing Sounds
XP2v1: How do I choose sounds when making a beat?
Topic 3: Sampling
XPv1-1a: How is sampling a part of making beats? Version 1 of this XP
Making Beats v1-1av2a How is sampling a part of making beats? Version 2 of 1st 1/2 of XP
Making Beats v1-1av2b How is sampling a part of making beats? Version 2/of 2nd 1/2 of XP
XP3-2 How can I include sampling in my beat?
XP3-3 How can I choose samples from a recording?
Topic 4: Creating Musical Content
Topic 5: Arranging
XP5-1a How can I arrange my beats? Counting beats and bars. (Version of this XP5-1)
Topic 6: Choosing Tempo
XP6-1a How can I choose a tempo when making a beat?
Topic 7: Sharing Your Beats
XP7a How can I share my beats with others? (Version 1 of this XP7)
XP7b1 How do people share beats with others? (Version 2 part 1 XP7)
XP7b2 How can I share my beats with others? Part 1 (Version 2 part 2 XP7)
XP8 How can I share my beats with others? Part 2 (Version 1 of XP8)
XP9 What do audio files and quality have to do with sharing my music? (Version 1 of XP9)