How do people interact with objects to make sounds?
It helps to think about how people might interact with an object to make sound if you are designing an instrument or interface.
Think About
- How do people interact with acoustic and electronic objects to make sounds?
- What are the relationships between the qualities of sounds and instruments or interfaces?
Get Started
- Think about your experiences with the XPs you just tried about interacting with sounds.
- Compare the ways you and others interact with acoustic and electronic objects and how the objects sound.
- Then, write about or share a drawing of an idea you have for interacting with an object to make sound.
- Think about how this drawing or idea can lead to the design of an instrument or interface.
Watch some of the following videos for some additional ideas of how people try out different types of interactions with objects and go about designing instruments:
Watch this next video from 0:00 – 4:00 (or longer) — Then skip to around 10:10 to watch Onyx Ashanti perform the interface he created
Onyx Ashanti continues developing his interface – you can see how it progresses on his website.
Think about and answer the following questions:
- How are the people in these videos thinking about designing instruments or interfaces?
- How are the people in these videos addressing the ways people might interact with object to make sound?
- What if any connections can you find between your drawing and ideas and these videos?
- What ideas from the videos might be helpful to you as you create your own instrument or interface?
Share What you Learned
- Continue below and share with your teacher or organization:
Sharing What You Learned
- Share and explain your drawing of an idea for how someone can interact with an object to make sound.
Next Steps
Curious about learning more?
Return to the XP How do people interact with acoustic objects to make sounds? (and try out other “Go Further! optional XPs)
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