How can music events help build community?
Think About
- How can music events help build community?
- What are some differences between music events that are designed to build community and music events that are not designed to build community?
- What does it take to design a music event that builds community?
Get Started
- Check out this short documentary on FandangObon:
- How is this an example of bringing people together through music?
- How is this an example of connecting music and culture?
- What would a version of this look and sound like in your community?
- What general events in your community contribute to building community (if any)?
- Which of these events involve music?
- What role does the music play to build community?
- What musical events in your community contribute to building community?
- How do you know they are helping to support or build community?
- What characteristics of these events help build community?
- How would you go about planning your community’s version of FandangObon or other musical event?
- What cultures would your community’s event include?
- What would you call your community’s event?
- What guiding principles would you follow to organize your community’s event?
- Who else do you think you would need to talk to or collaborate with to plan your community’s event?
Share What you Learned
- Describe an idea you have for a musical event that you think should happen in your community. Include the following:
- What cultures would be represented in the event?
- How would music be involved in the event?
- What would be the guiding principles or rules of the event?
Next Steps
Curious about learning more?
Go Further! (optional) Explore how connecting culture and music can help people or improve society.
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