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How can we use code to create music or sound?


Have you already tried the getting started coding and programming music learning experience?

If not, do this first62.

Try some of these creative ways of coding and programming music with Scratch or Sonic Pi:

Figuring it out is part of the experience!

  • Can you create a melody through code?
  • Can you create a harmony through code?
  • Can you create a beat through code?
  • Can you create music or sound that . . .
    • . . . is based off of a sample code in the Help section of Sonic Pi?
    • . . . reminds you of an old video game?
    • . . . is scary, funny, exciting, boring, silly, relaxing, or colorful?
    • . . . reminds you of a special event, story, or place?
    • . . . you would want to share with a friend or family member?
    • . . . you would want to rap, sing, or play over?
    • . . . you would want to dance to?

Next Steps

Return to the first coding and programming music learning experience63


Return to the coding and programming music learning playlist64.