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How can I share my beats with others?

Think About

Where do people share beats so others can hear them?

Where are the best places to share beats and why?

How can you get more people to listen to or discover your music?

Get Started

Go to soundcloud.com62 or bandcamp.com63 and do the following:

  1. Search for a genre, style of music, hashtag (for example #trap or #oldschool) or artist that you like
  2. Observe the search results
  3. Listen to several of the tracks that appear
  4. When you find an artist you like, click on their profile
  5. See what other social media sites the artist links to on their profile

Why do you think artists share their music in these ways? 

What is your experience as the listener when you use SoundCloud or Bandcamp?

Go Further

Do the same thing as steps 1 – 5 but try searching for an artist you already like (also try putting a # next to the name (#Drake) and see if any songs appear that you may not already know.

Share What You Learned

What are some of the ways people share beats with others?

How can you get more people to listen to or discover your music?