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What makes a hit? Part 2

Being an A&R representative requires being able to identify the components that make a song or artist a hit and coordinating the right elements to ensure a successful result.

Think About

What makes music. . .

  • a hit?
  • a slow burner classic?
  • a flop?
  • stand out in your memory?

Get Started

  1. Make sure you have your answers to part 162
  2. Find at least one person who shares some of the same songs as their favorites.
  3. Find at least one person who has different songs as their favorites.
  4. Ask each person their answers to the questions in part 162
  5. How did they answer questions from Part 1 Step 3?

Share What you Learned

  • Share your own answers and the answers of people you spoke with to Part 1 Step 3 in text or as a video selfie.

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