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How can I use sound effects and timbre in my jamming? 

Adding sound effects and changes in the qualities or characteristics of the sounds you use for jamming can add interest to your music.

 Think About

  • How is a “sound effect” different from a regular musical sound?
  • What makes for a good sound effect?
  • Can you use too much of a sound effect?
  • How can the characteristics or qualities of the sounds you use impact your jamming?

Get Started

  1. Visit Human Beatbox62 [sound section] and pick a sound to try with your voice.
  • If you play an instrument, imitate the sound effect as closely as you can with your voice and your instrument.
  • Play around with your voice or instrument and try to make something interesting 

Don’t worry about perfecting it or even getting it “right,” the goal is to just make some interesting sounds and to have fun! 

  1. Now, watch the video. As you watch, imagine the types of sound effects you think would be cool to use in your own jamming:

  1.  Choose 1 or more of the musicians featured in the video and check out their entire performance
    • As you are listening, try to imitate what they are doing
      • It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of the instruments – use whatever you have (including your voice) and just experiment and play.
    • Play around with the cool sounds you can make on your voice or instrument

Check out the MADIBEATS tutorial on OD bass sound

Share What you Learned

If you are using the LRNG platform:

  • You do not need to submit anything for this XP
  • You should be able to show off some of the interesting sound effects you can make with your voice or instrument and how you can use it to make up something you have fun doing

If you are not using the LRNG platform:

  • Continue below and share with your teacher or organization:

Sharing What You Learned

  • Show off some of the interesting sound effects you can make with your voice or instrument and how you can use it to make up something you have fun doing

Go Further!

(optional) Check out some more details about different ways to make sound effects and change the timbre of your voice or instrument63


Move On

Return to the XP What skills will help me improvise and jam?64