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How to Use this Music Learning Playlist

If you are using the LRNG platform:

  • Use the LRNG platform instead of this page to move through the playlist
  • Some XPs have optional “Go Further!” activities at the end that you can choose to try if you are interested

If you are not using the LRNG platform:

  • Don’t know what the LRNG platform is? Don’t worry about it! Just follow the directions below
  • Use this page to move through the playlist
  • You can share what you learned with your teacher or organization at the end of each XP
  • Some XPs have optional “Go Further!” activities at the end that you can choose to try if you are interested

 Getting Started Connecting Music and Culture

1. Start Here  How is music connected to my culture or heritage?62

2. How do people connect music to their heritage or lineage?63

3. How can music build community?64

4. How can people incorporate others’ experiences when creating original music?65

5. How do people resist injustice through music?66

6. How can I resist injustice through music?67

7. How can music help us envision future possibilities? 68

8. Final XP I can connect music and culture! 69