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What should I think about when choosing a tempo?

One way to choose a tempo is to experiment with what sounds good. But, there may be additional considerations.

Think About

  • What should I think about when choosing a tempo?
  • How do I choose a tempo if someone is going to rap over a beat?
  • How might a tempo of a beat relate to genre?

Get Started

  1. Watch the following Lyricology video. As you watch:
  • Take notes on the adjectives Andre Gainer uses to describe the tempos and genres.

  • Andre Gainer is describing tempo and beats per minute (BPM) in relation to a rapper’s flow and preference.

There are different considerations when choosing a tempo for rappers such as the rate of delivery of words (flow) and matching the emotion of the track.

As a beatmaker, you want to think about the feel that you are going for and what tempo you should use

  1. Check out DJ TLM’s perspective on the relationship between BPM and Hip Hop, R&B, and House music:

What do you think about what DJ TLM is saying about BPM and tempo? 

Share What you Learned

If you are using the LRNG platform:

  • You do not need to submit anything for this XP
  • You should be able to discuss some considerations for choosing a tempo for a beat

If you are not using the LRNG platform:

  • Continue below and share with your teacher or organization:

Sharing What You Learned

  • Discuss some considerations for choosing a tempo for a beat.

Next Steps

Return to the XP How do I choose a tempo when making a beat?